Our Coffee
Sparrow House Coffee brings you fresh, quality roasted specialty grade coffee that has been sourced with both you and the farmer in mind. We purchase our green coffee responsibly through importers who use quality methods at all stages of production. We continue to look at who the coffee is coming from, how they process it, and how we roast it.
Our coffee is roasted in the same style every time. While some may enjoy to darker more oily roasts, we prefer the sweet spot of medium...just after first crack. Yep! It's an actual sound the coffee makes at a certain temperature.
Additionally Sparrow House Coffee cares about the environmental impact of our coffee packaging. Our brown kraft coffee bags are compostable, and do not contain: BPA, GMO ingredients, or animal products.
Within our process, the green coffee is ordered and stored appropriately. While grocery store coffee can sometimes sit on the shelf for 6 months to a year; Sparrow House Coffee is typically roasted weekly and shipped to you within days of your order. We feel confident that you will find our coffee to be smooth, less harsh or bitter, and an enjoyably "good cup of coffee".